
Herb Products

The building up process and the development of our Patikárium-product range, has been settled based on the knowledge and experience of the hundreds of years old pharmaceutics. We have alloyed this with knowledge gained during traditional usage of curative natural materials.

We would like to give you the best we can, applying our expertness in officinal herbs and in pharmaceutical competence.

Qualitative products originated from qualitative materials.

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Peppermint Leaves
Nettle Leaves
Bramble Rose (Fruit)
Chamomile Flower
Garden and Spanish Thyme Leaves and Flowers
Small Flowered Willowherb Flower Sprout
Yarrow Flower Drive
Lemon Balm Leaves
Nettle Leaves
Hawthorn Flower Shoot Tip
Chamomile Flower
Yarrow Flower Drive
Horsetail Barren Shoot
Sage Leaves
Lemon Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil